nick cagle

mindset Media

my media creation journey




what will this site feature?

Welcome to the homepage of Mindset Media! I have created this website to display the projects I have created in MACS 150 at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. This semester we faced the full effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and it has been a semester like never before. I am incredibly thankful to have the opportunity to use this class as an escape from the rest of my studies, as it has given me the opportunity to explore media in ways I have never before. It has been challenging at times, but overall I am impressed with the work I have done thus far.

Who am I? My name is Nick Cagle, and I am currently a Junior in college and am studying Economics with a minor in Spanish. So why am I taking a media course? Check out the about tab to find out more!

What have I created? So far this semester, we have completed three units of the course and made three separate projects in doing so. Under the portfolio tab, you will be able to view the three finished products and get a look at my journey in the creation of the works using each type of media. The three units include photography, photoshop, and podcasts. I hope you find the works engaging and inspirational for a project that you could do in the future as well.

mindset media